The Philosophy of Men as Flowers

More often than not, such a cold was associated with the forlorn stares of veterans, consciousness momentarily brought to heel by the memory of fallen comrades.

At this moment in time, however, it was draped around the petals of a flower- but do not be dismayed for the flower, for it has done this before.

The very essence of its being is composed of moments such like these, and other such moments, conflagrations that felt like being interwoven with the Earth’s core, rains that fell harder than Bear Stearns stock in the summer of ‘07, and, moments where the sun broke through the clouds, as always, yet again, parading itself, signaling the end of a shroud of struggle, and the beginning of celebration.

A man is a flower. Be like a flower, my friend.

This is the wish I have for all my brothers- that they be more like flowers.

Of course, one can rightfully ask, of what relation are men to flowers?

Petals and Parellels

Flowers return despite any type of inclement weather: be it sleet, hail, fire, or sheer darkness, people expect men to keep trying, and, just as with flowers, roll with the change in the seasons, and be ever present during moments of sunshine.

They are present at some of the worst times in life- death, illness, war monuments, natural disasters etc. People lean on men in those moments for relief, sustenance, restoration, and inspiration, as with a bouquet.

They look to flowers to signify growth, new abundance, gain, just as look to men to initiate these things, and to indicate when it is time to prepare for a new season, or when one is upon us.

Men are sacrificed symbolically, and often literally, just as a flower is plucked from a garden bed, without warning or fuss, men are expected to uproot themselves, and make the journey to wherever it is their presence needs to be felt, for whatever purposes it must be felt for.

Just as with flowers, men are sources of the spread of life, of resources to be propagated and distributed around in a focused and diffuse manner, simultaneously, remaining unphazed by the haphazard coming and going of these needs and resources, and providing continuously.

Men, just as flowers, can be very reserved, and even bashful regarding their beauty, and yet, are expected to display it to the world on a regular, periodic basis.