The Orchid Manor is the output of an analog entity navigating digital mediums.

Perhaps, here I find my digital ‘forever plot’, having been a nomad in name and location for quite some time. I’ve left traces of myself all over the internet, everywhere, and perhaps will finally attain content collation here.

While most of us are different from the average individual, I am different from most of us, given my path into programming, prior hobbies, and context from life experience. Truth is, I feel like a outcast among the misfits, but recent intrapersonal perspectival shifts have helped me begin to see that as an edge, rather than a disadvantage.

So, The Orchid Manor is also, in a way, about exploring myself and my relationship to cultures, and how that’s been defined by life circumstances, yet remains malleable by way of personal agency, and the interplay therein; finding one’s self, and home, later in life than most.

I was not very much allowed to be for the majority of my life, due to the religious, cultural and social environment I grew up in, and there was not much, if any, room or toleration of things that fell outside the norm (read my entire being, and almost everything I’m interested in), so in order to survive, I had to construct a facsimile of myself, that was acceptable. While it served me then, it hinders me now, and must be shed, in order for me to continue making progress (or start, really), in life.

That, of course, makes this very personal, and a vector for vulnerability, a view into the torpid and convoluted architecture of my psycho-emotional landscape.

I wish you the safest of travels.